Friday 13 April 2007

2 cows standing in a field, chewing cud. One cow says to the other, "You heard about that Mad Cow disease going around? Makes me glad I'm a penguin."
After such a resounding success for Sheih, I wonder if we put "Who gives a shit?" on the national ballot, how many would choose that? Maybe more people would bother to register, who knows...
Saddest thing I saw this week is a car parked at the bottom of a wheelchair ramp
The happiest thing I saw this week was the look on Yin's parents face.


the witch's broo said...

Hi Husna,

Not bad. Not bad at all..

Hope to read more of your musings..

Elviza Michele said...

Dearest Husna,

Hope to see more postings! The first two intrigued me enough...