Tuesday 10 April 2007

I've given myself till the end of tomorrow to have this thing posted. Ass to the wind, what the hell. I can only assume it gets easier once I get started since right now I have what my cousin would term as verbal constipation. Performance anxiety you see, what if someone were to base an opinion on something I write? One born every minute... and somehow a majority end up holding office, go figure!

Why A Musing? You'll be reading my musings, one of many you'll read in a day I suppose. And since its only one.. do the maths. Its also amusing how I HAD to start this blog, since there's a picture of me somewhere along with a whole bunch of female bloggers from the first ever NAB meeting last week. Gotta represent now, surely?

Big question now... what's this blog about? Hell I don't have a clue. But as I told another female blogger (one of 3 people in the world who have expressed an interest in reading it) it's not going to be about my pet cat (don't have one), my shoes (too many) or my work (yawn). Let's leave this one unanswered and let the adventure begin.

I can only promise the next one will be better than this so go tell all your friends ha ha



Rockybru said...

Congrats Husna! You are right, it will get easier. But there will also be a greater pressure on you. I'm sure you'll cope. Look forward to future postings.

kidscre8 said...

babe, so proud of you! it's a great start:)